In Poland there are 2300 of comprehensive schools, and among them one can find Public Comprehensive School of the Strug Valley in Chmielnik. Is it posssible for this young school to be different from other schools with several hundred years' traditions. Why don't we try! - In comprehensive schools there approximately 41 students for 1 computer (data from VI 2001).
In our school (including gymnasium school) there is 1 computer for every 7 students (without the computer that is only for our usein our classroom). - Schools propose several profiles for educating students...
In our school we can ourselves take part in making the profile of a class, meet a class tutor, teachers, future colleuges before making the decision about enrolling this school. We can specify our own individual path of development and choose teachers, who will help us put it into practice. - Probably Polish schools find only 3-4% of talented students, American schools 50%...
In our school we can participate in drama classes (89% of our students have acted on the stage of a real theatre), journalism classes (conducted by a known journalist - Jaromir Kwiatkowski), choir and music classes (we have been singing songs composed especially for us by the lead singer of the "Manitou" group - Mr. Andrzej Paśkiewicz) and sports classes (the judo section is run by Vice-Champion of Poland - Zbignie Rzepka). - Schools organize excursions, meetings with interesting people...
Thanks to the fact that there are not many of us, we can easily organize ourselves and appear at an interesting place. This year we have gone for several different excursions (e.g. to Lvov), we have spoken to Israeli ambassador, we have met with youth from Ukraine...